
Currently accepting bookings for Q4 2023

I began my career in acting and Voiceover work in 1999, first in indie gaming, training videos, and student films. After discovering a love for vocal performance through creating film trailers, audiobooks, and podcasts, I found my true voice in a calm, deep, projected tone that resonates.

Voice Portfolio


From narration to primary character voicing, I specialize in authoritative leader voices. RPG, FPS, and open world sandbox games are my current areas of specialty with a focus on a tone that’s flexible to provide voices to military, comedic, and dramatic characters.

Commercial VO

Providing a deep, gravely tone reflective of large automotive commercial and film trailer campaigns, I specialize in providing a consistent, recognizable voice to large brands, clear explanations in training videos, and enticing portrayals to all cinematic trailers.


As a lifelong member of the communities that support entertainment niches, I provide a character voice for film and anime that is reminiscent of All Might of Boku No Hero Academia, Vegeta of Dragon Ball Z, and Dio of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Hero or villain, I can add rich context and real-world experience to the narrative depth of your character.