
I believe that meaningful change starts with conversation.

Let’s have a conversation that sparks meaningful change.

Here are themes of the podcasts on which you’ll find me as a guest voice. As a guest of your podcast and representative of your work I arrive prepared to offer new viewpoints, to speak credibly with data that supports the conversation, and with professional voice experience, making retakes and direction easy.

While these are the primary colors of my speaking career, I am always excited to add new shades to our collective conversational pallette. Let’s play with humor, technical knowledge, and an entirely unnecessary level of pop/geek/tech culture references to create an even more vibrant and meaningful dialogue.

All images created in MidJourney

Gaming and Tech Culture

I belong to the first generation of true gamers, the earliest days of our lives being accompanied by a soundtrack of Marios, Sonics, and Pac Men. In the US in the 80’s and 90’s, gaming often required building your own computers, which led to my love of tech as a whole. Today I’ve traded hanging out in computer shops haggling over a 90 MHz chip to be able to play Starcraft for providing the biggest tech companies in the world with a deeper understanding of generative AI, hiring strategy, and effective DEIB strategy.

  • How is AI playing a role in gaming today, and how is job replacement in gaming due to AI/ML implementation taking place?

  • What societal issues is gaming addressing, solving for, or causing today?

  • How does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion show up in gaming, and how is gaming driving societal change in these areas?

Social Equity and Access

We live in a world of increasing contrasts. Today we have the tools to create greater equity and fair access than ever before in human history. We also have those with more power and resources than ever before, including powerful motivation to slow or reverse progress. I believe that information is power, and so to empower we must inform. Let’s increase awareness of resources, of areas in which we can focus as a world to make it a better one, and ways in which communities that have seen less can leverage the knowledge, technology, and momentum of today to get more.

  • AI/ is evolving so quickly that even experts feel left behind. What are ways in which even busy people and families can connect with AI to increase equity in employment and personal wealth creation?

  • How can companies who want to create greater equity and inclusion for their people utilize AI right now to solve for historical imbalances?

  • What career strategies are there that can create a more fair and equitable future for everyone listening today?

Hiring and Career Philosophy

After more than 20 years of leading some of the most brilliant and innovative hiring teams in technology, I believe that there are simple ways in which both people and companies can operate to create more everyone involved. I’m here to help companies make more equitable and empathetic policy and strategy decisions. I’m here to help people learn how to navigate an increasingly challenging career landscape. Let’s talk about ways we can empower your audience, open their eyes in new directions, and leverage the insights gained from the top of the Fortune 10 to add value to everyone listening to your podcast.

  • What approaches to career search and interview strategy are currently the most effective at creating immediate positive change in listeners’ success?

  • Which work models (hybrid, in-office, remote) are currently supporting the greatest retention, development, and acquisition of great employees?

  • How can I lead with “WHY” in my personal career as well as within my business, whether the business I own and operate or the Fortune 5 company I’m part of?